online speech-to-text reporters

Thanks to a specially developed online platform, students can access speech-to-text interpreters live via their tablet or laptop. The sound from the classroom, lecture theatre or event venue is sent wirelessly to the speech-to-text interpreters via a computer. They convert the spoken words into text, live. Students with a hearing impairment can easily follow what is going on in the lesson by reading along on their tablet or laptop. The service is aimed primarily at students, trainees and schoolchildren.  

For more information, see the product description and the video.
We look forward to advising you personally and providing a quote.

Would you like to work for us as a speech-to-text interpreter?
We offer you an attractive, meaningful and future-oriented professional field.
We are also happy to finance part of your training.

→ New course at the ZHAW
CAS in Speech-To-Text Interpreting in Multilingual Settings (12 ECTS)

making an existent video accessible

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Access services for SRG

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Sarah Mani
Sarah Mani
Nadja Sollberger
Nadja Sollberger