Open API als Public Service

Open API als Public Service

Due to the coronavirus, this year’s prestigious EBU Production Technology Seminar will be held online. The event is an established pillar of the industry calendar, and a must for all public service media companies and their technical specialists.

Access to content and data on national APIs

The traditional media landscape is changing. Broadcasters are increasingly shifting their products away from linear television to focus on providing data and content. Slowly but surely, they are reinventing themselves as public, online-based media houses.

In their presentation, Roberto Salomone, API Manager & Specialist Business Transformation at SRG SSR, and Robin Ribback, Head of Innovation & Business Development at SWISS TXT, will highlight the new possibilities and opportunities this change can bring via public Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), with the aim of persuading other broadcasters to adopt a similar strategy to SRG SSR and SWISSTXT.

SRG SSR is already providing content and data as a public service, accessed over a developer portal. API data are made available free of charge for non-commercial use, thus encouraging developers to integrate existing content and data into their own applications and ecosystems.

SWISS TXT has a deep knowledge of the media workflows and technologies being used in the industry today, and is also involved in developing and implementing new technology through the MediaVerse project.

More information:

Robin Ribback

Your contact person

Robin Ribback
Innovation Manager
  • T +41 58 136 40 32