factsheet software as a service
Access Media Cloud

Software as a service
Access Media Cloud

SWISS TXT has many years of experience in scaling IT services. Based on this expertise, it is now bringing the technology for subtitling to the cloud. Partner services which can be used transparently by SWISS TXT are also connected.

Live subtitling: technical procedure

For live broadcasts, the video signal is encrypted and streamed to the Access Media Cloud at SWISS TXT, where it is accepted by a subtitling server. With their laptop, an employee can log onto the subtitling server from anywhere and receive the video and the audio signal. The event is repeated correspondingly based on the audio and is converted into lines of text (subtitles) by voice recognition software. These then go via the subtitling server back to the client, who then inserts the signal back in the distribution. This workflow needs around three seconds.

At the current status of the broadcasts, which have a delay of four to seven seconds, insertion of the subtitles must be buffered in some cases to avoid the information being delivered before the image.


SWISS TXT has various options available for post-subtitling:

  • Humanoid subtitling which is 99 percent accurate.
  • Machine subtitling which is based on a combination of different products, including access to IBM Watson.

image recognition and analysis

Image recognition methods can also be used in addition to voice recognition. The system recognises people, age and gender and even celebrities. Objects such as apples, cars, doors, etc. can also be recognised and categorised. This information flows back as metadata with a time code and can be reused in both SWISS TXT’s media management system, mediahub, and in external systems to categorise or recognise material in the news, for example.